Disziplinen: Ethnologie ist auch so ein recht glattes Eis Die Ethnologen bewegen sich auf dünnem Grund, daher wollen sie keine Gesamtsicht über Zusammenhänge im Rassismus. Manche Ethnologen möchten ihn ihrer Disziplin oder aus dieser heraus den Begriff „race“ im Englischen komplett vom deutschen Begriff „Rasse“ trennen. Geschichtlich ist das problematisch. Politisch ist es auch problematisch,…Continue readingEthnologie ist auch so ein recht glattes Eis
Author: admin
Disciplines: Ethnology is also such a rather slippery ice The ethnologists move on thin ground, therefore they do not want an overall view of connections in racism. Some ethnologists would like to separate the term “race” in English completely from the German term “Rasse”. Historically. This seems problematic. Politically, it is also problematic, since one…Continue readingEthnology is also such a rather slippery ice
The hardest to write about someone you don’t know, that you just heard of. Not to be indentified.Continue readingL. Buringen
Off the layers of social existence Whichever angle Saju looked at it; Wolfahschie and Pixiemende said: “We both and together and with Mixmausy and more, planned an plot of ideas against you, in this quarter that we bring froth.” Saju saying: “Allies, would I have to react on this!” Saju left. And Wolfah and Pixiem…Continue readingOh there are other messages in the spaces too
Name A: I’ve dreamt a dream of other lands, of magic little elpers, these stayed around me till I went to dig a hole to doubt me. My doubt was force, I was to love, like fate could never’ve spared me, I kept me hidden yet in sight, and towered all around you. Name B:…Continue readingContextual faces: Couplets