Aesthetics, are yours real?

Speciesism and some form of aesthetics, they seem to inevitably go together, and this creates a major ethical problem. How do these two connect? Maybe because aesthetics can help to give an excuse to prolong a wrong stance that one is acting up to and is aware of doing so. Speciesism comprises the conscious element…Continue readingAesthetics, are yours real?

Slideshow: For Example Mithras – Part Two

We’d like to announce Farangis Yegane’s exhibition FOR EXAMPLE MITHRAS – PART TWO which is gonna be opened on the 28th of February in the Museum Schloss Fechenbach in Dieburg Germany. The museum holds one of the most precious findings of the Roman Mithras cult > The duration of the exhibition is: from the…Continue readingSlideshow: For Example Mithras – Part Two

Death, and the Dead?

Everybody is individual in life or death. This is what I can see in the art of Rudimetary Peni singer Nick Blinko: I don’t fully understand why it’s such a “big deal” if someone has not studied arts, but is an artist. I know quiet a few people who have studied arts, but who…Continue readingDeath, and the Dead?

Jackie Ormes, brilliant cartoonist

Torchy in Heartbeats “Jackie Ormes: The First African American Woman Cartoonist”: a biography by Nancy Goldstein “Jackie Ormes’ cartoons often responded to events that were important to the black community, such as the brutal murder of 14-year-old Emmett Till in Mississippi. Till was killed in 1955 for allegedly whistling at a white woman.” From…Continue readingJackie Ormes, brilliant cartoonist

Gee Vaucher on

Gee Vaucher on (the link doesn’t work anymore unfortunately) Here is an alternative link, but at another venue: See works of Gee Vaucher on 96gillespie. I always admired her work (since I became a huge fan of the famous Crass in 1983 I guess). Gee’s ART is so critical, political and aesthetically…Continue readingGee Vaucher on