About Mice and Cat

the description of the print
Linoleum print, bookprinting colors on laid paper, handprinted using the original printing block.
Paper size: 17-3/4" x 13-3/8".
Armament of the Mice's Armee
Linoleum print by Farangis
A week later some troups of 330 000 mice were armed with weapons: they carried lances and spears, arrows and bows, and the sound of their sharp swords made the air shiver. From all parts of the world they had come together, to follow one of the bravest, most prudent and most cunning commander into the battle. «One of us,» so he ordered «shall go into the town and declare war to the cat, lest she is willing to vow submittance to our Kings throne.»

If you want to read the next part of the story