About Mice and Cat

the description of the print
Linoleum print, bookprinting colors on laid paper, handprinted using the original printing block.
Paper size: 17-3/4" x 13-3/8".
Decision of the Miceking
Linoleum print by Farangis
They were struck by terror and fell in mourning when the bad news reached them. They all dressed in black and cried bitterly. Finally they pulled themselves back together again, and stepped in front of their highest judge, the king of the mice, to tell him about their trouble:
«Injustice has happened to us, oh King, we prostrate at your feet and ask you to protect us of the cat. So far she would annually eat one of us, but now, ever since she decided to be pious, she kills five of us at once!» The king listened to them and spoke: «my dear people, justice shall be on your side, the revenge on the cat will be so horrendous, that history will take note of it.»

If you want to read the next part of the story