Everybody is individual in life or death. This is what I can see in the art of Rudimetary Peni singer Nick Blinko: http://www.deathrock.com/rudimentarypeni/main.html. I don’t fully understand why it’s such a “big deal” if someone has not studied arts, but is an artist. I know quiet a few people who have studied arts, but who make – what a surprise – extremely boring s***ing arts.
A thought-image that I relate with Nick Blinko’s art: The holocaust is the imposed death upon its victims, the totalitarian perpetrators like to use the symbol of the skull [1]. A world ruled with Angst and you are aware of that inner skeleton, that is part of your nativity. Each skeletal being is an individual being too.
To me Nick Blinko’s art seems like a journey into a gap between all kinds of possible definitions of death. Elias Canetti implied the “crowd of the dead” in his thesis about crowds and power.
That what lies like a marker of separation
between an imposed death,
and a form of might built on symbols of murder
produces two worlds of human understanding
The voice a a form of expressing despair, doubt, … Nick Blinko’s singing is impressive. Maybe one can get his arts best when listening to his vocals. See: Nick Blinko at the Henry Boxer Gallery http://www.outsiderart.co.uk/blinko.htm and Nick Blinko at deathrock.com: http://www.deathrock.com/rudimentarypeni/main.html
[1] See in that context an info about a nazi skull symbol of the third reich and how it’s still in use: Info on ADL.org: http://www.adl.org/hate_symbols/neo-nazi_skull.asp