A few mixed facts about Mithraism and its difference to other “oriental mystery cults” “Mithraism then entered Asia Minor, especially Pontus and Cappadocia. Here it came into contact with the Phrygian cult of Attis and Cybele from which it adopted a number of ideas and practices, though apparently not the gross obscenities of the Phrygian…Continue readingMithraism and differences to other mystery cults
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Mushrooms, Myth & Mithras: The Drug Cult that Civilized Europe Carl Ruck, Mark Alwin Hoffman, José Alfredo González Celdrán (on Google Books) Mithraic findings in cave in Austria in St. Egyden. Vessel with Serpents, ineresting and beautiful piece, look at: IN GERMAN: Heidnischer Kult in Höhle entdecktContinue readingtwo links, about mithraism
New translation Ubayd i Zakani : The Mice and the Cat Muhaddis, Ali, Utas, Bo: The Mice and the Cat. 2011. 88p. (RAAS. Reports on Asian and African studies, ISSN 1404-0743; 3) 798-91-506-2200-3 http://iranianstudies.wordpress.com/2011/08/19/new-book-the-mice-and-the-cat/Continue readingAli Muhaddis and Bo Utas – Ubayd i Zakani : The Mice and the Cat (2011)
the persecution of mithraists : Sarrebourg, France […] Of all the Mithraic artifacts found, probably none compares to what was discovered at Sarrebourg, in Lorraine, France, when a shrine to Mithras was uncovered- with the skeleton of a man chained to the altar, and the door to the sacred room bricked up; Nabarz speculates [p.…Continue readingthe persecution of mithraists : Sarrebourg, France
The poster for the exhibit at the Saalburg: „Mysterium Mithras – ein antiker Geheimkult im Spiegel von Archäologie und Kunst“. Mit Werken von Farangis G. Yegane. 27. August 2011 bis 22. Januar 2012, Römerkastell Saalburg in Bad Homburg. www.saalburgmuseum.deContinue readingthe mithras mystery exhibit at the saalburg with works by farangis.