early 80ies

A billboard poster by Farangis Yegane for the Green Party in 1981 against the arms race. A hot topic in the 1980ies. Tthe original painting:Putting up the billboard in Frankfurt am Main at the intersection Eckenheimer Landstraße / Nibelungenallee. The Detusche Nationalbibliothek is at this intersection today.Continue readingearly 80ies

Mithraism and differences to other mystery cults

A few mixed facts about Mithraism and its difference to other “oriental mystery cults” “Mithraism then entered Asia Minor, especially Pontus and Cappadocia. Here it came into contact with the Phrygian cult of Attis and Cybele from which it adopted a number of ideas and practices, though apparently not the gross obscenities of the Phrygian…Continue readingMithraism and differences to other mystery cults

objectification and taxidermy

Speciesism in art is for a big part taxidermy in art This site writes: “Well they are dead anyway” … http://www.ravishingbeasts.com/taxidermy-artists/ But they exactly use the dead bodies of nonhuman animals because these animals obviously have lived before. Using a dead body is a means to gain possession in a definatory way over the de…Continue readingobjectification and taxidermy

what they know

They don’t say what they know, cos they don’t know what they do. Carnivore humans by Farangis YeganeContinue readingwhat they know

A short note about speciesism and aesthetics

Speciesism and some form of aesthetics, they seem to inevitably go together. This might be so because aesthetics can help give an excuse to prolong a wrong stance that one has taken, a wrong stance that one is acting up to and aware of doing so. Speciesism comprises the conscious element of violence and active…Continue readingA short note about speciesism and aesthetics