The Crown of the Creation. A thought related to that.

The foundations of the rights of all life, don’t lie in first giving or first creating those rights. The foundations of rights are intrinsical to life (in its interconnected and in its individualized condition). It’s necessary to develop enough will to differentialize on the theoretical and the practical plane, in order to find solutions of…Continue readingThe Crown of the Creation. A thought related to that.

Farangis Yegane: The Crown of the Creation

Farangis Yegane: The Crown of the Creation Subjectivity can’t leave you either on top or below, also being of a different nature, being built completely or relatively different than a human, can’t leave a nonhuman animal below. Any position taken, individually or in evolutionary terms, has it’s own qualities. (The values of the qualities…Continue readingFarangis Yegane: The Crown of the Creation

with an anthropological message

The Leipziger artist Rigo Schmidt seems to know how to combine speciesism with biological racism in the unhidden form. Through the reinforcing effect of objectifying an object by depicting it, an idea is being “worked out” and voluntarily and involuntarily revealed about a supposed interrelation of “Man”, “Animal”, and “Nature”. The concept of this triangle…Continue readingwith an anthropological message

visual rhetorics and its traps

Fresh water under what old bridge? I’ve somehow stumbled across a video by the British band “the Prodigy” that gives me the creeps. The song is called “Baby’s got a Temper” and it displays cows crammed into some space where the band themselves sing on a stage and some nude young ladies are “forced” by…Continue readingvisual rhetorics and its traps

Death, and the Dead?

Everybody is individual in life or death. This is what I can see in the art of Rudimetary Peni singer Nick Blinko: I don’t fully understand why it’s such a “big deal” if someone has not studied arts, but is an artist. I know quiet a few people who have studied arts, but who…Continue readingDeath, and the Dead?