A questionable validity of self-dignity in arts and the arts discourse.
It’s pretty logical that I can always perceive that which reflects my desires and needs as more valuable, than ‘whatever’ I don’t perveice simply because it’s out of my cognitive reach. These following links represent a small range of examples of artists, and the discourse about their works, in which one can see how much the idea of “aesthetics” here are pretty blatanly self-circling.
All that comes up is the collective pro or contra attitude towards the degree of how people can have AN impact on WHAT either is or is not of their immediate concern.
It obviously does not come to these artists minds … that whatever is out of the reach of their positive concern can vice versa also have an impact on them, philosophically, insofar as it puts them on a scale of relativity as soon as they interact with “THE OTHER” (phenomenon)!
(THE ANGRY VEGAN’S COMMENT IS: “Now anybody can say: whoopidoo, f***ing stupid animal rights a++++holes.
Nevertheless, Here are my two cents about the f***ing stupid destructive art-creating-scene and its bootlickers.”)
How remarkable “the other” is, whether dead, tortured, killed, or alive. Really, how can you unmake that what consitutes the concept of “dignity” in life? By deconstructing it? Can I deconstruct the phenomenon “love” etc. simply by not loving etc.?
On the bottom of this linked page are two arts related entries by me regarding Jill Greenberg (USA/CANADA), and Damien Hirst (UK)
‘A Self-Proclaimed Artist and an Inexplicable Act of Cruelty’ NYTimes
The Filmmaker on his site (CANADA): “http://www.roughage.org/”:http://www.roughage.org/ “Jesse Power, ex-vegetarian, was an art student when he conceived a new project. In May 2001, he enlisted two friends, Anthony Wennekers and Matthew Kaczorowski, to help him kill a cat. The intention was to make a video that protested the unthinking consumption of factory-slaughtered animals by killing, cooking and eating a cherished domestic pet – a feline posthumously named Kensington by animal-rights activists.”
Francis Upritchard (NEW ZEALAND … and, also a self-described “ex-vegetarian” – whatever this hip/top statement is supposed to imply)
“Let’s talk about some of the stuff you’ve made. I’m interested by that photo you showed me of a stuffed cat, what’s the story behind that?
‘My brother Robert got given $20 to dispose of the family cat…'”
Natalia Edenmont (SWEDEN)
I suggest anybody to take a sample about what people think not by reading the blog authors waffle, but by reading the comments he got
here is a text in German I wrote regarding Natalia Edenmont: