Some images from the ‘Mysterium Mithas’ exhibit, the (contemporary) arts – the acrylic paintings, installations, drawings and lithographs – are by Farangis G. Yegane.
A thorough documentation of the exhibit is currently worked on, and will be accessible on the net soon. A link will be announced here later too.
Some of these following pics have a lesser quality. However the upcoming documentary page will come with a lot of pics, and those ones will all be of a nice quality!
2 replies on “from the ‘mysterium mithas’ exhibit”
Came to this a bit late, especially for the date of Mithras’s birthday – 25th December of course. But hey, what’s a few days compared to several millennia?
I like the mix of modern interpretation along with the ancient stones from a Mithraeum, and the expression of willing self sacrifice.
thanks for the comment, and a good new year : o )