The elitist attitude of the “arts industry” has so far tended to ignore so called public sentiment, unless it fits their interest. I just learned about the case of the starving dog who was being exhibited, and I just signed the petition linked on this blog: The nutcase artist who brought the dog into…Continue readingMore than 2 million signatures
Tag: aestheticized speciesism
Arts and Necrophilia: CATERINA PURDY MOHN, exhibited a (amongst others) by the Transition Gallery, East London and StuArt Gallery, Siantiago Chile, accordning to Saatchi and Saatchi Purdy Rocks (her techono type of music) It’s pretty easy to impress anybody or maybe especially the mainstream arts scene with anything super necrophile. This…Continue readingVive la Biophilia — They can by no means negate the dignity of life!!
Pesi Girsch aestheticises the corpses of dead animals on some of her photography. (accessed 23rd April 08 ) On her bio she portrays herself with a baby kitten nevertheless: (accessed 23rd April 08 ), so one can assume that she sees some qualitative difference between being amongst the living or being amongst the…Continue readingPesi Girsch’s “Nature Morte”
Who cares about what life? Nonhuman animal life becoming a part of yet another supposedly ethical environmental arts project. Insa Winkler: The Acorn Pig … Growing and growing up Can one really underlie nohuman animal life – or (might aswell) human life – the understanding of ethics and of arts that anybody might hold…Continue readingBeing a swine too
Why it sells? Troutsite is a site by an artist who successfully convinces his viewers that he is actually appreciating and probably even “scientifically respecting” nonhuman animals. See artist at: Alongside his naturalistic artistic praise of Linnaeus’s taxonomic system (the man who came up with the category “Homo sapiens” …) the artist sells…Continue readingSelling nonhuman animal life